I don’t know if it’s my generation or the never ending amount of information at your fingertips, but I feel that I am constantly searching for exactly what my passion is. Is that something you are struggling with?
What exactly is passion anyway? We are told to go after our dreams, our hearts desire and when you find that you will be so happy with life that you will never regret a day going forward. To me, this seems like a dream I will forever be chasing.
I have a lot of interests. I have a lot of things that make me excited to start something. The thing is, I thought my dream was to be a pet sitter. I love animals, and what better way to make money and hang out with animals all day than that?! Well, my love of animals and all the enjoyment I got out of it has turned into a job. The early mornings and late nights to let dogs out to go potty. Running from house to house to pet an animal that cannot have a conversation with me. Granted, I love seeing the animals, but the sheer fact that I’m obligated to go see them for the 4th time that day at 10pm at night takes away some of that joy and “passion” I felt I once had for the job.
We get so caught up in feeling like we have to go after exactly the right thing in life, or else we will be a failure that we end up NEVER doing anything at all! We just research online, surf the net, Pinterest, or watch shows on things we think we would be into… and never take even one single step forward. Not one freaking step.
How about we turn the tables on these 3 options; passion, failure, or living mediocrity.
Okay, all of these can take a hike in my opinion!
So screw passion! This word has made me search my mind all my life to find what exactly my calling is. It’s caused more anxiety than it has enjoyment that’s for sure. I say if you think you would be interested in something, try it out. Maybe not like full force open up a restaurant, but maybe start cooking for people or work at a restaurant, and bus tables, handle customer complaints. See if it is still everything you thought it would be.
We are meant to live this life- Living! Living is not just doing the same dang thing forever until you save up enough money to die.
We are meant to try something, see if we like it, if not, find something else. And repeat. Try gardening, construction, coding, cooking, whatever your heart desires or thinks would be cool to learn about. Let yourself actually have life experiences. Live and see what all there is out there to offer. If you like it, stick with it and improve and become better! I mean how cool is it that you could randomly start something new one day and a year later you have taken a right hand turn in the course of your life to something completely different than it could have been.
So what I’m saying is screw Passion and what you’re “meant to be”!
Just try and live!
Let me know how going out of your comfort zone and doing something a little exciting and maybe a little scary can be! That adrenaline to doing something new and interesting- now that’s living!
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