Wanting Big Big things for yourself… on the couch

I’m sure I’m not alone when I think of all my dreams and aspirations to create this product or service, or this company, or start this type of passive income gig, or start an odd-job to see where it could take me.

My dreams are so very big that it’s actually blinding my vision of what’s in my present and short-term frame of mind. I am all consumed by my grandiose ideas that I never actually freaking start. Or, if I do, I start and then stop right before anything takes off. Yikes.

I believe that the amount of information that we can access at our fingertips at any hour leaves our minds forever spinning. We never settle down into one solid idea or plan to make something solid and concrete.

People say, what are your goals? Well, maybe it’s the Leo in me, but I go huge. Not just, 5 years down the line, but I say I’m a millionaire with 200 people working for me and billion dollar revenues and xyz. What? Okay, Jess… calm down.

What’s a more realistic goal?

Umm I don’t know? Taking a shower today?

Okay, yes….that’s a start, sure.

This is how my mind works. Tiny goals or extravagant ones. There’s no in between. Why is that? Maybe because the part that is in the middle is called work! It’s a little more boring to think about, a little more stressful. It’s filled with anxieties and questions of the unknown. It’s filled with goals not even considered and things that quite frankly are probably out of my comfort zone. So there I am, back to day dreaming of my lofty exotic goals while sitting on the couch.

So, you typical lazy millennial, get off your butt and go do the dang thing! Right? My goodness.

Here’s the thing. It’s not that I am lazy or that I have no work ethic. Because I definitely have it when I want it.

It’s the motivation for one-get started and two- have a big enough WHY that when motivation fails me I can keep on pushing through the grit, the instability, and have the fortitude to continue to the next phase or rather goal.

The WHY, when it’s your own dream, MUST be bigger than your why nots. It must be so big that no matter who questions your senses or gives you grief or excuses not to pursue your dream that you ignore them and continue anyway.

And then we come to the WHY. How does this WHY even form? How does it become the beast that pushes you through everything else for years to come?

The WHY is what will get any entrepreneur on the side of success. If you ask any single successful person they will have had a want or need within to fulfill and become more than they ever imagined. Not every person can do this. It’s not for the weak-hearted individual.

So what do you think of that makes your heart scream? What keeps that fire going within? To never be poor like your parents were? To never have to work for someone else who will tear you down? To make the greatest product there ever was? To provide the best level of customer service possible? To be able to provide for others in ways they never can themselves? The WHY must be there and has to be your sounding board. Because when things get tough, you won’t resort to the couch once more. You will truck on through the dips and valleys and make it out on top at the other side.

Find your WHY and there’s no stopping you.