Have you ever heard of the Law of Attraction? The Law of Attraction is simply: every positive or negative thought, brings positive or negative experiences into ones life.
We are all made up of energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but only transferred from one thing to another. Since we are all made up of energy we can transfer the type of energy to ourselves that we desire.
Have you been feeling like one bad thing happens after another? Maybe you woke up with a splitting headache, and then poured coffee all over yourself while getting out of the car, and maybe your computer died at work at precisely the time you needed it. And then, because you were in such a bad mood on the way home you hit every single red light, and then 3 people cut you off! Can you believe that day?!
Yes, that is negative energy. It is building one negative piece on top of another, and your mind is focusing on what else will go wrong that day instead of what will go right.
Instead, how about the days where you wake up ready to conquer the world? The world is your oyster. You will bang out every to-do, you will go out of your way to help your neighbor or co-worker and somehow you got a raise, or found $20 bucks on the ground! That day wasn’t just coincidence. It is you attracting the positive energy you feel around you. The positive energy growing every step of the way.
Will it happen tomorrow? Are you telling yourself it will? Are you talking negatively to yourself about what you lack, what you cannot do, or how you will not measure up to someone or even your own idealized view of yourself? If you constantly have negative talk in the back of your head, or talk to your coworkers at the water-cooler about how awful your job is, you will only focus on those negative aspects.
However, if you work on it everyday to change your mindset as positive it can be, and that you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to, good things will start pouring in on you. Stop telling yourself you can’t lose those 5 extra pounds, so why not eat that pasta or cookie? Tell yourself, I GOT THIS! Before you know it, you are 5 pounds down and telling everyone else they can do it too.
Does that mean you won’t have bad days anymore? Probably not. Because the universe is filled with energy. Everyone you interact with is bringing their own energy to the table. Most people unfortunately are accustomed to the culture of “woe is me” and will bring that negative talk around you. You have the opportunity to push it away. To say, no, that’s not me anymore. I am living my life in abundance and I am going after everything I want. Because I KNOW I deserve it, and I know I CAN achieve it!
Focusing on what you can gain, achieve, or feel gets you one step closer to actually getting to your goals. It doesn’t mean it will be easy, but as long as you don’t give up, fall into the trap of other negative energy around you, you will gradually gain more and more positive energy to help you get to where you want to be.
Think I’m crazy? I can tell you I’m not. It’s been scientifically proven that we can use our mind to change the world around us. No distance or object can block energy. Dr. William A. Tiller has proven that mind over matter is in fact real, and achievable when you set your mind to it.
1). What does your self-talk in your head say? Change the I cant’s, I wont’s, it doesn’t, it shouldn’t– to– I Can, I will, It does, I Intend to. Eliminate the idea of should be/would be. You are no longer yearning for a better life, you are making a better life. Anytime the idea of negative talk comes in your head, stop, and rephrase that sentence to what will be a more positive position to get you out of a dead-end frame of mind. You can’t change the first thought that pops in your head, BUT you can change the second. So, realign your mindset and change each thought to a positive outcome.
2. Focus deeply about what you want. Focus so hard that you can feel it, see it, touch it, smell it, BELIEVE it. I don’t mean do this one time and go to step 3. You have to focus on this every single day and realign yourself and your energy as to where you want that energy to go. Ex: I am living my best life! I am on my way to living financially free! I am one step closer today at achieving my sales goal! I am one step closer to working my dream job instead of the blah, 8-5 work day. If you fall victim to what your day is becoming around you, your positive energy diminishes and you have to work to grow that back to where you need it to be. Believe you are making your dreams come true. Stop wishing they will! Wishing is a negative mindset, where laziness takes over and you “hope” for the best. Hoping doesn’t get you anywhere. Believe it, and DO it!
3. You are positive, you focus on what you desire to have, now acknowledge every single win that you have. Some days, it may be small, some days may be whoppers and you can’t believe that it ever could have happened. Each win, big or small, needs to be recognized. Your jeans are just a little looser? WIN! Heck yes. Your friend just thought of you and brought you an extra cup of coffee? WIN! You scored that super awesome parking spot? WIN! You saved enough money, by not spending on things that don’t give you long-term satisfaction and paid off a credit card? WIN! You quit your job, and are starting your new venture completely unprepared, but ready to see what life can throw at you? WIN! Yes, all of these are wins. They are wins because you are appreciating and acknowledging every positive thing that happens. The universe has your back, it’s waiting to send you more positive energy. You just have to accept it and KNOW you are on the verge of more. As you accept all the positive things that come in your life, you will get more and more falling right into your lap. I’m not kidding. You have to believe it, acknowledge it’s happening and let it come on in and take a front-row seat.
4. Make sure you are waking up everyday and not only attracting the positive energy, but continually focusing on the direction you want to go. If you are gradually steering off course, that little swagger can lead you into a whole new road in life. It could steer you off course from where you are meant to be. You could post-pone that life changing moment by years if you don’t continually realign your daily direction with the focus of what it is you are trying to go after. Sure, everyone has days that they have to stop and do something that life throws at them, but don’t you let that for one minute tell you your focus and positivity is shot. It is not. Get up, do a dance, stand in superman pose and tell the world that you are going to achieve everything you desire. Because guess what, you have the universe at your back cheering you on, ready to throw more positive energy your way and catapult you into those dreams of yours.
The opportunities are out there for you to let your dream become reality, it’…